Dear friends of board games, I welcome you today to the first article of our page entitled Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar.
Let me inform you that there are few times I have written an article so I would like your opinion in the end !!
Fireball Island , a title that takes us at least three decades back where table games were not so common but even then we enjoyed them as much as we do today.
33 years after its first release in the US, Restorasion Games decided to dust this ancient diamond and bring it back to
our tables, bigger, fuller and more fun than ever.
Four explorers run through the island looking for treasures and ancient relics.
But beware! Each player must do everything to collect the most but make sure that his opponents do not get it clean.
In your round you can play movement cards and object cards that will help you in your mission
But every now and then Vul-Kar sees and punishes the trespassers of his island with a terrible flood of fireballs that roll in the corridors of the island ...
As soon as up to 3 flood cards are collected, the bullets that roll from Vul-Kar's mouth become more and more,
as soon as the level of fireballs reaches its full (4 bullets) then the players have to start running towards the helipad and wherever it goes it goes.
It's a real gem for any collection I think, especially if you have kids (it's very spectacular) very easy to learn and fast enough to finish.
We highly recommend it along with its expansions as well, as one of the 3 expansions (The Last Adventurer) adds another player (plus a few more goodies).
With an excellent 10 we put it 9 and this is because of the weak box it has because in the long run there will be a problem.
So these for Fireball Island I hope you did not get tired and we enjoyed our article which aims to help you for a more thorough purchase.
Good games, Have fun !!